SBH Newsletter – November 2013

SBH Newsletter – November 2013
November 26, 2013 sandbridgehouses

Happy Thanksgiving from Pat Barton & The SBH Real Estate Team

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families, this is one of my favorite holidays. There is nothing better than spending time with family and friends and celebrating why it is so great to live in this country of ours. Please take a moment to bless those that serve in our armed forces and their families!

There has been a lot of information and disinformation going around regarding the changes in FEMA backed flood insurance policies. To keep it simple, consult your provider because in many cases it may not change, the largest impact will be on property owners on Sandfiddler Road. Secondly, you may need to update your flood elevation certificate if it is over two years old. This will be important in order to determine what your new premium will be on the policy. Lastly, it looks like Congress may put a hold on this until FEMA can determine the full economic impact on homeowners, not sure if they will include owners of second homes and investment property. I will do my best to keep you informed on changes.

See link for latest sales in Sandbridge for the period ending November 10th. Included in sales is an oceanfront lot that sold for $735,000. For anyone thinking of purchasing at the beach, it’s a great time to see what’s on the market. Mortgage rates remain low and you may have tax benefits you can take advantage of before the end of the year.

Enjoy the Holidays!
